
Saturday, April 1, 2017

"I called the FRO and they are not helping me" - BlogBite (21)

We hear this statement quite frequently.

Here is a typical scenario:

* Parties' family law case ends with a final order for child support. They have one child. Dad pays child support for 9 years.
*Daughter turns 17 and moves in with her boyfriend. She also gets a full-time job.
*Dad has irregular contact with daughter, particularly as she gets older.
*Neither daughter nor Mom tell Dad she is now living with her boyfriend (and not Mom) and working full-time.
*Dad finds out a year later.
*Dad calls Mom and asks her to advise FRO that child support ended some time ago. Mom refuses.
*FRO continues to collect child support.
*Dad calls FRO - he is told (correctly) that they cannot help him in ending the child support payments. FRO's job is to enforce the last court order. They are going so.

What is Dad to do?

Dad needs to go to Court and ask for an Order changing the last Court Order and terminating his child support obligations. If Mom is not agreeing to advise the FRO of the change and Dad is successful in terminating the support payments, he may be entitled to costs (Mom may have to pay his costs for having to go to Court on this issue).

We will soon have a KIT available on our website for situations exactly like this one - Stay Tuned!

UPDATE - January, 2018

We are pleased to let you know that our Etsy shop is now OPEN!

Visit it here: SELFREP SUPPORT

In the shop, we make available to you Manuals (E-books) on various topics, to assist you in representing yourself before Ontario's family law Courts.

So far, we have Manuals on preparing an effective:

  • Financial Statement (both long-form and short-form); and
  • Affidavit.

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